As we reach Thanksgiving time, we cannot help but be filled up with gratitude for our phenomenal cabi community. From our customers and Hostesses to our Stylists to our Home Office team, we are surrounded by people who inspire us to grow wholeheartedly and give selflessly.

2016 was a year of women helping women: from disaster relief events, The Heart of cabi Week, building relationships in Africa, our Buy One Give One campaign and #cabigiving Drive, to all the millions of interactions taking place in living rooms as our Stylists help women look and feel their best. There is a ripple of goodness in the world because of our cabi community—and for that we are abundantly thankful.
And we never want this sentiment to simply linger in our hearts, but rather, stir generous action. As W.J. Cameron says, “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” Will you join us in acting upon our gratitude, giving generously to others? Here are some simple ways we can communicate a spirit of abundance to women during this special season: