the heart of cabi foundation
Celebrating 20 Years
Our mission is to encourage and empower women in need.

“When we created cabi, we believed one day we’d affect the lives of women in need around the world. It’s fulfilling to look back at a decades long history of our community making a significant difference together through The Heart of cabi Foundation...and exciting to think of all we’ll do in the future, as we see this business as a way to bring global good.”

— Syd Ryan,
Chief Culture Officer & Co-Founder
$67M USD donated
19,660 small business
loans funded
438 communities
51,000 students
given hope
66 countries

Round up any cabi purchase.
Designate where you want the change to go, choosing among select global and domestic organizations.
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Heart of cabi item
A portion of the net proceeds supports 60+ local disaster relief and Love Local events.
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Join cabi as a Stylist.
Start your first season as a cabi Stylist, and cabi will donate $250 USD in your name to the organization of your choice.
Learn More
Love Local Events
As a cabi Stylist, volunteer to organize or participate in Love Local Events in your area throughout the month of May. These events serve and clothe over 2,400 women each year.