If you want to get to know someone, simply look into their everyday bag. What we carry with us wherever we go gives an insight into our personalities and all of the things we care about. The shade of red lipstick that can turn a bland day into a sensation, the sunscreen that will keep our skin glowing, a piece of dark chocolate so rich it can singlehandedly change our mood. This week, curiosity got the best of us and we poked around in the purses and bags of some our beloved Home Office Team members…with their permission of course! The contents of their bags are as varied as their personalities and more revealing than any interview. Get to know some of us a little better by checking out what’s in our bags!

Do you feel that you might be lugging around too many things in your bag? Maybe it’s time to do a little decluttering! According to the ever-popular Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you can reduce the amount of stuff in your home to just the essentials—the things that give you joy. For a fun challenge, try applying the same principle to your bag. Who knows—maybe you’ll even be able to downsize! Let us know what you were able to get rid of, and more importantly, what you absolutely had to keep.