We know that spending this much time indoors isn’t easy, but there are plenty of ways to keep things fresh with your partner while doing your part to protect yourselves and others. The only thing we want to be spreading is love, right? That’s why we put together a list of safe and romantic date night ideas that’ll make for a lovely night in.
Here are a few thoughts before we dive into our suggestions: Why wait until the weekend to celebrate one another? Doing a weeknight date night is a great way to spice up your week (and make Mondays a whole lot less painful!). While there’s a lot of pressure these days to be creative, there’s no harm in keeping things simple!
A classic movie night or a Netflix binge session with takeout for dinner has always and will always do the trick (plus, no dishes is a major score in our books!). But if you’re feeling like putting in some more effort, why not learn a new skill? Get cooking in the kitchen or tackle an artsy project together. There really is a range of options to satisfy all your desires. Keep reading to learn about our top date night picks, tips, and tricks to turn your home into a love nest.

Break out your fanciest flatware, pick your favorite bottle of red, dim the lights, and light up a few candles to set the mood. You can cook together, dancing around the kitchen like the crazy chefs you’ve become during quarantine, you can order in from your favorite restaurants (which is a great way to continue to support local small businesses!), or even order a dinner kit—our favorite way to brush up on our cooking skills without all the extra hassle. Whatever you choose, finish off your romantic dinner with some ice cream and you’re in for a perfect evening.
Featured Items: Spencer Jacket, Portrait Blouse, Sinatra Skirt, Heart of Gold Earrings, Pumps

If you’re someone who feeds off a little competition, go for a game night date! Break out your all-time favorite board game and get your game face on. If you want to go all out, you can make a themed cocktail based on the game you’re playing. As far as we’re concerned, you’re both winners for choosing a safe and fun date night in!
Featured Items: Dani Pullover, Lanky Leggings, Reign Earrings, Reign Necklace, Sneakers

Are you someone who’s always wanted to take a dance class, but has been a little nervous to try it in public? Well this is the perfect opportunity to get your hips moving in the comfort of your own home (with just you and your boo!). Push your furniture out of the way to make room for a dance floor, then head to YouTube and find a salsa class tutorial. Dance like nobody’s watching… because no one is!
Featured Items: Autumn Dress, Honey Earrings, Honey Necklace, Headband, Pumps

If you’re looking for something to do outdoors, stargazing is the perfect pick. Lay out on some blankets in your backyard and admire the night sky’s beauty, put on some soft tunes and snuggle up. Is there anything more romantic? If you have a fire pit (or even a charcoal grill could work), then you’ll most definitely want to fire up some s’mores. Graham crackers, chocolate, marshmallows…name a better trio.
Featured Items: Slant Pocket Cardigan, Stellar Top, The Skinny, Honey Earrings, Ankle Boots
We aren’t fortune tellers, but we see a date night (or two…or three…) in your future. Do you have another idea we didn’t mention? Share your date night suggestions in the comments section below. The more ideas, the better!