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stylist stories


Before cabi, I was working at a nonprofit with a difficult boss, and although I was unhappy with the job, I had to contribute to my family’s income with a two-year-old and six-year-old at home.

I knew another mom who was a cabi Stylist and she kept inviting me to her shows. I loved the clothes and the warm communal feeling of being a part of a group with all those women. Everything about it felt good—and so different from the job I was in. When I learned I didn’t need a background in fashion or sales and that cabi would train me, I could suddenly see becoming a Stylist was doable!

With cabi, I’m my own boss, but I still have people in this business with me, helping me continually grow. I love getting to partner with women on my team and how there’s no competition within the cabi community. how within the cabi community, there’s no competition. I can set my own hours and be in charge of “me” while sharing a product I love.

What I really like about our culture is having others say, "you're over here and thats good," but then challenge me, "but you can't stay here; now you can go there." Continually growing has been very powerful to me.

I feel so confident in what I’m doing now. I know I’m contributing to my clients in a valuable way by helping them feel fantastic from the outside in. I come across women all the time who say they hate shopping, and I get to offer them a positive and unique experience in the comfort of their friend’s home.

I now love going to work! I never knew I could be an entrepreneur, but season after season, my numbers are rising higher and higher—there are no limits. I know I can be financially stable through my business, and that, to me, is success.


Follow #cabiStylist and @facesofcabi on Instagram.