MEET Vicky
Reinvented Empty Nester, 35 Seasons with cabi

Before cabi, my boys were married with their own families and my husband and I were about to move to Minnesota. I wondered what I was going to do with myself and how I was going to meet women.
My sister went to a cabi show and said, “You know, Vicky, I talked with the Stylist, and I think you should be a cabi Stylist.” I was hesitant, but I met with the Stylist and I thought, this could be it for me! This is a way I could remake myself and build a new network. When I attended The Scoop, I realized this opportunity was really different and unique. I felt like a gift was being handed to me…this company is much bigger than selling clothes. I was hungry to learn and grow and I wanted my life to have purpose and meaning.
Through my cabi business, I have learned how to set goals and become a businesswoman, which led to a strong second income. Because of my cabi career, my husband and I have been able to take vacations, pay off a second mortgage, go on mission trips, and give charitably, which we wouldn’t have been able to do if it weren’t for cabi. Cabi allowed us to start dreaming about the things we were passionate about and gave us the funds to make it happen!
When I think back to who I was the day I started my business compared to who I am today, I’m amazed. I am more confident, I have learned business principles, and I’ve cultivated deep relationships that challenge me. I have learned what it means to work as a team and each day is a new beginning. It wasn’t until cabi that I really became independent and figured out who I was—I was empowered to do things I didn’t know I could do.
Now, cabi is my platform to help other women discover themselves so they can influence their worlds. I had no idea one of the greatest joys cabi would bring me is extraordinary relationships—not just a network but true friendships. I’ve found great success in the love and care of my team as we care for one another in a way that extends way beyond ourselves.